% % the parameter '-lp' will be appended for the server command-line % while '-lp' & '-lh' will be appended for the clients % % so you have to provide the proper '-a' for SICStus % server('xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T "Linda Server" -e sicstus -l boot_linda.pl -a'). client('xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T ECLiPSe-Wrapper eclipse --'). client('xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T "Simple UA" -e sicstus -l ~/k/demo/agents/user_agent/simple_ua.pl -a'). client('xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T "Fusing-Mediator" -e sicstus -l ~/k/demo/agents/fusing_mediator/fm.pl -a -c ~/k/demo/agents/fusing_mediator/fm.config'). %client('xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T "CPE-M" -e sicstus -l cpe_m.pl -a'). %client('xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T "Aberdeen Gateway" -e java kraft.gateway.GatewayTest -v -c aberdeen.config'). %client('rsh trogon "xterm -sb -fn 7x14 -T PC_Database_Wrapper -e /home/staff/pfdm/pfdm/pfdm-sicstus/pfdm < ~/k/demo/agents/pfdm_wrapper/start_script -a"').