type Activity
Name Determine Constraint and Domain for Device
Hierarchical Position 2.1
ID 8
Other Hierarchical Position also positioned as 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1.
Description Determine Constraint and Domain for Device: The constraints may be the dynamic constraints given by the customer or other known constrains for selecting the plausible PC configurations. Initially, the domain for the according device may be the whole domain, unless specified by the customer, etc.: i.e. all of the available types for the device on the catalogue. After the constraint-based selection activities have been carried out, new constraints may be added by either the technical or costing partners, and the available domain for selecting the device may be reduced.
Has Subactivities
Typical Actor
Time Cost ave/max/min
Trigger Request for obtain partial solution for a device.
Condition Domain and constraints for determine possible device.
Action Based on the common and user requirements for all PC (static constraints) reduce the (search) domain for possible solutions.
System (Trigger)
System (Condition)
System (Action)