Introducing FBPML Workflow Engine Jessica Chen-Burger Sep 2002 The FBPML Workflow Engine contains the below files: 1. this is the top level meta-interpreter that interpretes and executes processes/workflows. 2. this is the part of the program that interpretes and carries out the lower level actions described in a process. 3. this program handles conditional statements, such as preconditions, postconditions and conditional actions. 4. this program provides a communication interface with external system/agents. 5. commonly used predicates are described here. A few directories are used and useful for understanding the engine: 1. data: this directory stores all of the *.db data that will be used as a part of the operation for workflow engine. Among them, process.db defines the process model. 2. domain: this directory stores domain specific data for the PC configuration domain. To understand more about this application domain, additional relevant documentation is available. 3. doc: this directory stores other relevant documents. 4. other-pl: this directory stores no-core workflow engine but data needed to run the entire AKT system, including external broker and IX system.