(1) Title: AKT-TIE: A Distributed Knowledge-based Workflow and Constraint Solving Joint Effort (2) problem context: The modern organisations are virtual entities. People working in the organisation are located in different places, each with different capabilities and responsibilities. They need to work collaboratively to accomplish tasks together to achieve common organisational goals. Tasks that are required to be accomplish are often not trivial that they often require specialised expertise and sophisticated technology that is based local knowledge and experiences. It therefore can not be taken for granted that the co-ordination and distributed organisational operations are always carried out smoothly and effectivly, where in fact much organisation effort must be made. (3) The aims: To address the effectiveness and efficiency of co-ordination of distributed organisational operations, Workflow and Business Process Modelling techniques are recognised for their values. This technology has been offered by the AIAI, The University of Edinburgh. Our aim is to provide a distributed workflow system (agent-based) that is enhanced by knowledge-based intelligent agents. One such specialised agent has been provided by the Department of Computer Science, Aberdeen University. A constraint-based problem solving agent (KRAFT System) has been used to integrated with the distributed workflow system. Figure 1 shows a conceptual overview of the integrated system: (4) The Ultimate Goal of our effort: To provide a comprehensive support for a Virtual Organisation and between businesses a. To provide distributed knowledge- and semantic-based manipulation and collaboration; b. To provide realisation where multiple tools are used* that multiple methodologies and disciplines are involved, and information in different domains are shared. Most importantly, people with different responsibilities and capabilities are working together to accomplish tasks, solve problems, and achieve common organisational goals. c. The final goal is to increase the effective and efficiency of organisation operations that lead to the ultimate organisational performance. * e.g. OU and Southampton's hyperlink tool, processor modeller, AKT-0, AKTbus, Netmeeting, I-X system, Aberdeen's tool "KRAFT" and its CSP solver.