Reviewer's Form Paper ID: Title of paper: Author(s) of paper: Submission type (full/demo/position paper): Reviewer's name: (will be taken away when given to the author) Please note that supervisors can not review their own students' paper. It is also avoidable that a paper reviewed by personnel from the same University, if possible. Overall evaluation based on the above submission type: (score insert here) 6 - Extremely good paper, recommended for best paper for PG DS 5 - Excellent paper, strongly recommended 4 - Strongly recommended 3 - Recommended 2 - fair 1 - un-specified Recommendation for paper publication: (i.e. as a full, demo or position paper. If you wish to recommend a full paper as a shorter paper, i.e. a demo or position paper, please also indicate it here.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A summary of review: The score ranges from 1-5 and as illustrated below: 5 - excellent 4 - very good 3 - fair 2 - weak 1 - poor (A) Degree of originality: (score 1-5) (B) Significance of topic addressed: (score 1-5) (C) Technical quality: (score 1-5) (D) Readability and presentation: (score 1-5) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall comments to the author(s): ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Private comments to the PC (not open to the author):